Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The village idiot of Las Vegas talks about the Asians..

In an earlier post, I mention some Asian whales..You know? The guys who were staying at a Caesar's Penthouse, going 5 grand a hand at baccarat..Yeah those guys. The most impressive thing about my Asian friends? Boy, do they know how to roll! Anyways, one of them is a good friend of mine. I think of him as the perfect guy for business nowadays, English and Mandarin are both flawless. For quite sometime, the two of us have been discussing certain ideas. Ideas that might be attractive to Asian consumers. Organic growth strategies targeting Asians, so to speak. Now how do fit in?

I'm overflowing on the entrepreneurial spirit nowadays, I believe their is a fortune awaiting me. At this point, I'm not quite sure where that fortune lies, but I'm going to kick over every rock in town trying to find it, which leads me to thoughts like this.

"I would think? Most people by now should have a good understanding of how much money the Asian consumer is carrying around with them, and what they like to spend money on. Especially, in Las Vegas! Which leads me to this point..And I've thought about this for a long time..Their are all sorts of opportunities for people to prosper, provided they can come up with the right idea..This thought could go on forever, so I'll leave it at this. Their's way more than enough room, for a small town white guy from Kansas..Believe it or not, a little bit of Kansas in China? Could go a long ways?"

I'm going to ask a favor from my viewers, and it might require a little homework..Do you have an idea or product that you think would appeal to Asian consumers? If you do? I would love to hear it! I'm going to end the post with a stat that I heard a year or so ago. "By 2020, China is projecting a middle class of 100 million plus."

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