Tuesday, October 12, 2021

a grin on his face...

"I chatted with a friend of mine yesterday. He's going to swoop me up at the airport in Springfield February 14th."

"Springfield, Illinois?"

"Springfield, Missouri."

"Why are you going there?"

"A Super Bowl parade Lacey. It's only a few hours from Kansas City. I'm going to fly in there & ride up with him to the parade."

"When is it?"

"We're guessing the 15th or 16th. Which is a Tuesday or Wednesday."

"Don't they have to win it first?"

"They're going to win it all this season. I don't give a shit what anyone else says. It'll be parade time again in February."

"What makes you so sure?"

"Simply Mahomes," is my immediate response.

"Legend stated he is a big fan of the Chiefs as well."

"We had season tickets together for a few years. It was a blast!

"Maybe the three of us can watch the game when he comes to town," is her suggestion.

"The Chiefs in last place is the last thing on his mind right now."

"What do you mean?"

"He's going to have one thing on his mind when he comes to visit you & Kara. Football is not it."

We chat about a couple mandates & then she inquires:

"Have you seen mama lately?"

The therapist finds it intriguing my best friend is the eighty seven year old mother of my crush.

"I saw her earlier in the day."

"Kendra is suppose to be in town soon if memory serves me right."

"She'll be here Friday is what mama said."

"What else did you guys talk about?"

"Mama paid me a compliment."

"What did she say?"

"She said I looked good. It brought a smile to my face for sure."

"It sounds like you are chasing the wrong member of the family."

"It's funny you say that Lacey because I tell Kendra all the time, 'If mama was twenty years younger & I was twenty years older; we'd be an item."

"That's so cute Mr. Astle."

"It's the truth Lacey."

"Is mama still on the wagon?"

"I didn't ask. She'll fall off of it for sure when her daughter arrives."

"Why do you say that?"

"She told me so."

We chat about another mandate & then I ask.

"Where's Kara at?"

"On her way to Pilates."

The thought of Roy's old ass pancaked with a couple of young sculpted broads jumping up & down on him like a trampoline...a jealous streak is ignited yet again.

"I don't want you two to kill him. He's an old guy. This polyamorous stuff might be too much for him."

"I told him you said that," her smile illuminating.

"What did he say?"

"At least he'll go out with a grin on his face."

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