Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The village idiot of Las Vegas talks with a potential Guerrilla Marketer..

Tonight should be interesting for the country (first presidential debate)..To me, it doesn't matter who gets elected. Neither one of them is going to do a thing to help Rob Astle! That's why I will be voting all things Libertarian on my ballot. Anyways, enough with the politics..

"Prince Donnie I've got to ask you a question." My friend Donnie works at the local 7-11. The reason I call him Prince Donnie? He bares a striking resemblance to Prince Harry of England. If you colored his hair red? My guess is he could make a living as a Prince Harry double. Now, when I look at a kid like this? I immediately start seeing dollar signs. He's young, good looking, personable, well spoken, and is used to dealing with lots of people. All of these traits make for a pitch-perfect Guerrilla Marketer..He then looks at me and says. "What's up dude? What's your question?" I've been practicing my 60 second elevator pitch for quite some time, and it go's something like this. "Donnie are you familiar with Guerrilla Marketing?" He shook his head no..My reply. "Picture this! We have you and a number of other attractive guys and gal promote a product or service in a large setting. The goal is to get face to face with as many potential customers as possible. Explain to them what are service does, and how it would be a benefit to them. In the end, we're striving to make their initial contact with our product or service memorable, and get their e-mail, so we can sell them!"

I've known this kid for quite a while, and I was 99% positive that I would get a good response out of him. Turns out I was right.."I've got to tell you something Rob. I don't want to work at 7-11 for the rest of my life. I've been reading your blog some and I can tell from your writing that your a very creative guy. I'm up for any opportunity that makes sense." I've stated a number of times in previous blog posts, that most of my friends in Las Vegas are a lot younger than I am. Donnie reminds me of me 15-20 years ago. I was a little better looking:) Well, I told him that I would no more later, and off I went. A potential investor in some of my ideas asked "How many of these people do you actually know?" What he was really asking? How many attractive younger people do you know. The honest answer? A ton! And with a well defined plan? I could find a ton more. Las Vegas is a young persons town! And when I say young? I mean 19-29. The ideas I've been preaching would put an emphasis on that demographic.

I like to end every post of mine with a thought I'm having..Call it the village idiot thought of the day.."If you put a person like me in charge of forming a Guerrilla Marketing team in Las Vegas and throw in a little bit of resources behnd it? I'm 100% confident that a 'dream team' could be established. Once that happens! All we would need is a sexy and cool product or service to aim our efforts at. The research tells me that's a pretty solid recipe for attention, and attention is what leads to customers."

One last thing, a potential investor asked me how much it would cost to hire a Guerrilla Marketer? My friend Donnie makes $8.50 an hour working at 7-11. My recommendation is paying them a better rate than what they are currently making. Everyone would get a 1099 and thus would be responsible for their own taxes.

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