It wasn't always a love story between Donald Trump & Steve Wynn - When Trump tried to acquire a gaming license in Nevada for his resort it was denied. A lot of people pointed the finger at Wynn and his disdain for Trump as the reason. The two despised each other at the time. Las Vegas has always been Steve Wynn's town & Trump found it out the hard way - This is a theory on how their love story began. I don't have eyewitnesses; or hidden sources; or anything of that nature. The whole theory is based solely on one man's observations: Their mutual disdain for the Obama regime is the underlying reason they became bedfellows!
We all know Donald Trump's story. He was a democrat and gave to them because it was all business and that's how things are done - "I bought them folks," was one of his favorite things to say at campaign rallies. Besides Sheldon Adelson, you won't find a guy who has given more money to political campaigns in Las Vegas than Steve Wynn - "He's doled millions & millions to various campaigns, not just in Nevada...every where." That's a quote from John Ralston, a senior political reporter in town. The town has had it's share of big shots though the years. There has never been a more influential person in Nevada than Steve Wynn. Some people may say Sheldon Adelson is the guy who deserves the title. That's an argument for another day.
At the beginning of the blog I stated it was the Obama era causing them to become bedfellows. I need to add one more thing to the list...China. Seventy percent and counting is what Macau brings to Wynn & his company. Billions upon billions is what is up for grabs. Wynn & Sheldon Adelson possess very advantageous positions in the Asian gaming market - "We haven't even scratched the surface yet in Asia." One of many quotes from Wynn about the possibilities Asian consumption holds. Obviously, Trump is a pro business China guy. Throw in the recent tax cuts and it becomes rather clear of how their love is able to blossom.
Anyone who reads the blog on a consistent basis is familiar with my thoughts on Asian consumers & their fruitfulness. Take a look at the Wynn's quarterlies if you need further convincing. I will spare you guys my spiel for now and tell you about something real. The major resorts are getting a 'Trump bump' with the tax cuts and the administrations pro business stance. Wynn is planning on spending billions in the coming years to build evermore elaborate resorts. In the end - Steve Wynn, Donald Trump & Rob Astle have one thing in common. We all share the belief of Asian consumers being advantageous for business growth.
There is one thing I don't envy about Steve Wynn. I wouldn't wish his problems with his ex wife on my worst enemy. I had the easiest divorce in the history of mankind. She took her dog and I took mine. That was basically it. It's a little more complicated with him. Wynn is an enduring figure and will weather the storm. Besides, when you really think about it, it is hard to feel sorry for a guy whose net worth exceeds three billion.
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