Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Happy birthday Slim...

You ever have one of those friends in life where it just seems like everywhere you go there is something that reminds you of them? It just so happens I have one...His name is Slim and I have known the son of a bitch since the sixth grade. Anyhoo, today is his birthday. So it got me thinking about all the times Slim and I use to pal around town when we were kids. Those were fun times, innocent times, times I would go back to in a second.

"Hey Slim! Do you know how you can tell an Amish kid is on drugs?" I called Slim today because it was his birthday and I was in the mood to reminisce - "He sleeps in until 4:30 A.M." Slim is a farm boy through and through, so I knew he would appreciate the humor - "What are you doing there Village Idiot? How come you ain't writing for a movie or television show?" That is another thing I like about him, he is good for my ego, which makes the blog better - "Hey buddy the first thing I have to do is tell you happy birthday. You are getting old, just like me." Slim lives in the Midwest and he use to come out and see me. He hasn't been out in a while and I ask why? - "No money village idiot. When are you going to come visit Kansas?" I give him the same answer he gave me - "No money either my friend."

The two of us start to reminisce about our deceased comrade Casey - "Remember that time he had some chick with him and he calls you." Since Casey is not around to defend himself, I will spare the rest of the story, but it was funny indeed - "What about that time in high school when Coach Elliott would always give him a hard time about his size and Casey would always make these weird sounds at him. Goddammit, he was funny." The two of us share a hearty laugh and he says, "I sure miss that little bastard. I miss the random three hour phone calls we use to have. He was lots of fun." Unfortunately, Casey passed from cancer a few years back. I can tell you one thing is for certain, his buddies still enjoy talking about him.

Our time starts to wind down, but before I go I ask him one burning question - "Slim do you really believe Donald Trump is the GOAT (greatest of all time)." Without hesitation he says, "You better believe it boy. Just remember this Robbie. He was elected president so you can get rich."

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