Thursday, November 30, 2017

Orange POTUS & the China wave.

I talked with Mad Max the other day and he told me his business was in line to pick up some China cash that otherwise wouldn't have come their way if not for Trump - "Orange POTUS goes to China and the next thing you know we are digging again." Mad Max is in the energy business and he was happy about Trump's recent visit to Asia. I ask him to clarify things a bit more - "Your idol just worked out a couple billion dollars in trade with the China man. Like I said, we are digging again."

I am glad to hear a windfall is in order for him. For all of you who read the blog on a consistent basis. You know my feelings on China and Chinatown. Energy is an easy one for us to sell. The country is proficient at it. I advise paying attention to Asian consumers because under better trade policies they will multiply. According to the U.S Census Bureau - "The population of California will be fifty percent Asian by 2050." That is a lot of them folks...

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Thanksgiving in the desert.

The Thanksgiving holiday started when my brother and his family picked me up in Las Vegas Wednesday morning for the four and a half hour ride to Phoenix for Thanksgiving with the parents. On the way down we played catch up - "How has Las Vegas been since the massacre? Did they ever figure out any sort of motive?" My younger brother Jamie was driving and his wife Cathy and my youngest niece Makaila were riding in back - "Nothing is clear on the motive as far as I have heard. You are starting to hear one conspiracy theory after another." I then ask how things are in Kansas, "Same shit different day," is his answer.

We arrive at the parents and settle down for a drink. I tell dad the stuff I am seeing in Las Vegas and where I think the Trump presidency is leading it towards - "I can tell you this unequivocally, most Asians are fans of Trump. And the reason is they feel he is a business man and that's what Asians are all about. Chinatown is booming and all the restaurants I told you about have only multiplied." Chinatown and all the possibilities are not one of his favorite things to discuss - "Remember when you were there last time. It cost you money and you didn't get anything out of it. I don't want to see that happen again." The failures have been many in my life, but still I must keep trying. Chinatown is an easy fix given the right support - "Last time I let go of the restaurants without a solid deal for me on the back end. This time will be much more different. I will shoot for fifty of them under my umbrella. Once that happens I will find a suitable platform for them with a square deal for us. I killed it once down there and didn't know what I was doing. Just imagine what could happen now that I know how things work."

We spend the Thanksgiving Day devouring everything in sight and watching football. The next day Jamie, Cathy & the kids head to a relatives wedding on the other side of town. I ask dad & Sharon if they want to go see a movie. They politely decline so I head to Daddy's Home 2 all by my lonesome. The movie was funny. You can't go wrong with Mark Wahlberg has always been my thought. When I get back from the movie he asks how it was - "I don't think Daddy's Home 2 is going to win any Oscar's, but it was funny and I enjoyed it." He asks who all was in it - "Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg, Mel Gibson & John Lithgow were the main stars. I tell you this much anytime Mark Wahlberg is in a movie you know it is going to be good." My dad is not familiar with Mark Wahlberg's history so I tell him how he once the leader of Marky Mark & the Funky Bunch and now he is the biggest movie star there is. He asks what my favorite movie of his is - "Oh, that is an easy one," I then add - "Boogie Night's is the greatest film of all time."

Saturday afternoon we settle around the television to watch my fathers alumni (Kansas State) play their season finale against Iowa State - "Jesus, I swear I am going to have a heart attack watching this game," I say to the rest of the family. The final play of the game will live in Wildcat lore forever - "Yes!" Jamie yells as Thompson tosses the winning pass with no time on the clock - "Way to go K-State!" Dad yells with a smile. Everyone stood up and started high fivin' each other after the Wildcat victory. It was a moment I will not soon forget.

Sunday comes and it is time to say goodbye to the parents and make my way back home. Jamie and his family were flying out of Vegas as well. So I caught another ride home with them. On the way back we discuss the Chiefs and what they should do to break away from their slump - "Bench Alex is the first thing I think Andy should do. Give the kid his spot now. There is other stuff to be done as well but start with a change at QB1 and go from there." Jamie adds - "The offensive line isn't playing all that well and their defense is suspect as hell. How do they go from playing as well as I have ever seen them to playing as bad? All in six weeks. What a sham!"

I would like to end the post by telling everyone how grateful I am to have such swell family and friends. I hope everyone out there had a wonderful holiday as well. Oh, one more thing, my friends Junior & Brenda were in town for the holiday weekend and I ended up having dinner with them Monday night. What an awesome way to end the holiday.

Monday, November 20, 2017

My new best buddy.

I am starting to believe I have found a new best buddy. Been looking for one since Joel split always got to keep your eyes peeled to what's closest - "Megan, I really like you. Is it okay if I start calling you best buddy?" I say to her as we shoot the breeze on our back porches last night:

I got to tell you about my neighbor and new best buddy Megan. She's a little different than most of the other best buddies I have had - "I like this bro thing we have going Rob." Megan is my next door neighbor and I chat with her frequently about the comings and goings of Las Vegas. We discussed our Thanksgiving plans last night. I tell her I am headed to Phoenix for the weekend and she says - "Just me, my son and his father. I made a bunch of breads and pies for the holiday. I will save some for you." She's a Cali turned Vegas girl. I see them all the time and I love them. She reminds me of Roxy a bunch.

"I have to tell you something Megan. You sure are a nice person and I enjoy having you as a neighbor. It's like you and I are best buddies...definitely bro's." Megan is an Orange County girl who grew up on the beach. She headed to Vegas in her twenties and had a good time. Now in her mid 30's she has grown a lot - "You and all the other Cali girls in Vegas are my favorite because you are all so friendly," I then add with a wide smile - "I think my friend James is going to hold the fort down why I am out of town. So if you see this big muscle bound looking guy around, you'll know who I am talking about."

Our conversation is about to finish and I say - "You would make good fodder for the blog. You are so likeable and I bet my readers would find you the same. Would you be up for something like that?"  In typical Cali girl fashion she answers -"You do what you got to do to make yourself better Rob." I tell her I will have something for her to look at and if she likes it we will go from there. It feels like a new best buddy to me - Before I go I have one last thing to add - "I hope everyone has a great holiday weekend and I know I am certainly looking forward to it."

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Chief's football + conspiracy theories + Chinatown

Roy claims it sucks knowing what is going to happen before it even happens. He says he has witnessed this story time and time again with the Chiefs - "Don't you start changing your tune about the Chiefs. You told me this was their year. I told you not with Alex Smith at QB1," he then adds, "You know what? He is just a piece of the problem. The defense has more holes in it than all the conspiracy theories about the slaughter. Bye the way, did they ever figure out why that nut job did what he did?"

The shooter's motive is still unclear. The last I heard the sheriff thought it could be related to his fallen status in the gaming industry. In other words, he was losing a lot. The theory still seems shaky to me and I told Roy such - "Are you telling me this guy did what he did because he was on a losing streak?" Again, it still seems shaky, so I reiterate what I have been hearing - "That is the story Metro is telling. I don't think they are ready to commit to it. But it sounds like it is pointing in that direction." The toll of the slaughter is lingering around town. Once they figure out the shooter's motive for real, well, it will help lift the fog some.

Roy goes on about how he is so disappointed in the Chiefs for trading Dontari Poe - "No run stuffer. Teams are running down our throats. One of the guys they brought in to help replace Dontari just got arrested and cut from the team. I really think they spent all their money on offense and forgot about defense." I agree with him, but I don't think it is over yet. There is still a bunch of football to be played. He says - "Big deal if they make it to the playoffs. Their division sucks. You know they will be forced to play on the road if they are lucky enough to win in the first round. Pittsburgh or New England will beat them in the second." At least they will win the division and we can brag about that during the off season. I share the thought with Roy - "Big fucking deal!" He yells angrily, "I want to see them win it all. I don't care about a division title and neither do any of the fans."

I would like to end this post with a favorite subject of mine - Chinatown. Trump made a campaign promise to the American people he would help level the playing field as pertains to trade policies with our foreign counterparts. If you have been following the blog on a consistent basis than you are familiar with my beliefs as pertains to Chinatown and the Asian consumer as a whole. I will leave it at that, but, I feel I must forewarn my readers. There will be a lot to do about Chinatown once I figure out what Trump's plan is for sure. Something is better than nothing is my belief. And I believe if he does something it will be enough for me.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

A Trump man in Chinatown.

"Folks, China has been screwing us for years. I have a bunch of friends who are Chinese. Jeez, the Bank of China is a tenant of mine. They are laughing at us because of how bad our leadership is. When I am president I will reverse that and this country will have so many wins it will be unbelievable...believe me."

~ President Trump

More campaign broken promise bullshit, or are we going to see some action. It is time for President Trump to keep a campaign promise. Do not blame everything on the past. I want him to grab the bull by the horns in China and set some better trade policies for our country. The trade deficit is, "out of kilter." I'm tired of the sound bytes. I want some action done in China. Think of it this way. If the trade deficit last year alone was 346 billion and America is able to reverse it a little. Let's just say 1%. All of a sudden, you have close to three and a half billion that remains state side.

"You and this Chinatown bullshit never ends. I would think you would be ready to move on. There is no future for you there. They only deal with their own kind." Mad Max and I have been debating the worth of our current president and China has been a hot topic as of late - "First of all moron. You have no idea how the Asians think or do business. Not a clue. You have never had any Asian friends and as far as I am concerned your opinion means nothing." Mad Max is a big asshole a lot of the times so I have to be firm with him or he will try to bull me over.

"So you're fucking smart and I am nothing but a stupid hillbilly. If that is the case why aren't you rich by now. How long have you been going on about Chinatown? You are still broke motherfucker. Let's see some action out of you." It feels good to air things out with him. It is good therapy for the two of us. "Look," I say intently, "It's your idol who got me all worked up. He knows China better than any of these other hacks who could have got elected. He said he was going to do something to make a better deal for the country and I am ready for him to keep his fucking word!"

I don't like to toot my horn too much, but I will now. Our president is in a as good a situation as we can ask for. From what I am gathering there is going to be some significant things happening between the two of us. A lot of things were already set in motion but I look for Trump's vision to enhance the current structure. If what I believe will happen trickles its way back to Chinatown - I will be ready.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Chinatown chatter + armchair quarterbacking

"Donald Trump did not get elected president to make Rob Astle rich." I have been going back and forth with my friend Mad Max in Kansas about the value of our current president - "During his campaign he said some strong things about China and trade policies that not everyone likes to hear, but he was telling the truth. It is time for him to 'walk the walk." - People who follow the blog on a consistent basis know my feelings about Chinatown and all the opportunities.

"He has lifted a bunch of regulations that were hindering progress. There are a lot more places to drill now." Mad Max is liking the things that benefit him. I want to see some things I know about get cut a few breaks as well - "I have spent a long time forging relationships in Chinatown. A lot of those guys are watching the way Trump handles things as well. They think exactly like me when it comes to the girth of Asian audiences."

There has been some hardcore fan chatter about the Chiefs and what direction they should take once the bye is over. My armchair quarterbacking tells me to stick with Alex through thick and thin for the year, no matter what. Roy says we have seen this story before and he is ready to see what Mahome can do.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

more tidbits

It would be very nice if the Chiefs pulled one out in Dallas. Head into bye week with a 7-2 record and a hefty lead in their division. I drove by the Raiders stadium site recently and saw a few things going on. November, 15 is the big launch date for the start of construction. I'm looking forward to seeing it come to fruition. It will be good for Las Vegas in many ways. It will help the town get past the hangover of the massacre.

I was watching this guy on local news and he was commenting about the trade deficits our country suffers with most of the Pacific Rim. China alone is three hundred billion plus. Let me get to the point. The main reason I supported Trump is his vocal stance on China and how much they have gained and we have lost because of current trade policies - "We are getting screwed folks, and they are laughing at us. Have any of you ever asked yourself why we can't sell stuff there? I am going to cut a much better deal for the country when I am president...believe me." I am ready for him to make good on his campaign promise.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

The eight grand hit.

My buddy Bute in Houston got in to a fifteen month no interest sweepstakes that entailed his money back if the Astros win the World Series. We are not talking chump change. Houston winning would put eight grand back in his pocket. I chatted with him before the start of game seven last night and it was obvious he was pumped up:

"The bastards are going to give me a heart attack village idiot. I don't know how much more I can take. They went seven with the Yank's and now another game seven. I'm serious. Everyone around me is trying to calm me down." I tell him to chill and everything will be okay no matter if they win or lose - "I have been waiting a long time for this to happen amigo. It's like how you always tell me you want to see the Chiefs win the Super Bowl. Plus I have eight grand riding on it."

Eight grand will elevate anyone's heart level. I told him to relax again and just enjoy - "No matter win or lose I have enjoyed the Astros this year. They have been good for the town." Bute's neck of the woods saw some damage from the hurricane and he has described some of the places in town as Mad Max like - "I'm ready to get that money!" He then tells me to thank Junior for Alex Bregman. He was referring to our friend Junior in Albuquerque and the Astros third baseman who is a native as well.

"It looks like I will be headed to Phoenix for Thanksgiving. Jamie, Cathy & the nieces are going to dads and then Cathy's niece is getting married over the weekend. I'm looking forward to it. What are your holiday plans?" I thought a change of banter would be calming for him - "Spending it with the family," he replies. He then asks how old Jamie's kids are nowadays - "Emily is a freshman at UMKC and Makaila is a sophomore in high school. They are both doing well and I am looking forward to seeing them over the holidays."

The talk turns to something more than baseball or money - "It's not just the money. The Astros have brought a lot of welcome relief to the town. People here deserve a title, and I know the cardiac kids are going to bring it home for us." - I am happy to report Houston won and Bute is relishing the moment. I hope the Chiefs win the Super Bowl one of these days. To me it would be like an experience Bute is having now. I will definitely be at the parade when it happens!