Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The village idiot of Las Vegas talks about how to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow..

Everyone knows the fable, go find the end of the rainbow and a big shiny pot of gold will await. Every time I see a rainbow? I think about it. As far as I know, the pot of gold has never been found. I have a different perspective on what the rainbow should look like, and how one might find that ever elusive pot of gold at the end of it.

The gist of Guerrilla Marketing techniques revolves around sales teams. Now, when I say that, I'm not talking about the guy going door to door selling vacuum cleaners. The Guerrilla team I'm proposing would be much more attractive and creative. As a few of you know, I used to work at 7-11. I know a job at 7-11 is not much to brag about. The reason I took the job? Eventually, I would be able to make some beneficial connections..(Total rings for a shift were consistently in the 400-500 range). OK, convenience stores have lots of people go through them..So!

Now, I'm what some people might consider a New Age guy, outside the box thinker, village idiot, whatever you want to call it, I'm it! Consider a possibility like this for a minute. What if a person or persons could figure out a way to extract some of the 'people traffic' that frequents a place like 7-11? Make it benefial for them. Are you still confused?

Guerrilla Marketing is all about people..By now, most people reading my blog should know that. The tricky part of any Guerrilla campaign is finding the right people for the job. Before I go any further, let me clarify something. When most people think about a job at 7-11? Well, they've already got it stereo-typed. Low paying, low skills, means to an end kind of work. For the most, they're right. If you approach a job like 7-11 with a bad attitude? I guarantee you! The thought of jumping off Hoover Dam will cross your mind more than once. It's imperative that you find something in your job, while your at your job.

Still confused? Forget everything you just read, and remember this! 7-11 and other places like it are 'people factories'. The most important element of Guerrilla Marketing is people, I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but it's an important that everyone understand..No people? No Guerrilla Marketing team..When I was at 7-11, and I don't really know how to be more clear about things! I met a gaggle of people who could fit the description of what a Guerrilla Marketer should resemble. And, I talked to a number of them about how the process works..Lots of interest..The problem being? Lack of resources to make it attractive.

I like to end every post of mine with a thought I'm having..Call it the village idiot thought of the day.."I'm the best salesman that I know, I have a Master's degree in Las Vegas (pun). Basically what I'm saying? I know everything there is to know about the landscape of Las Vegas. I don't say that to sound arrogant, it's the truth! I've got the background, the plan, and one of these days I'm going to find the proper resources to back my big mouth up. At the beginning of the blog, I mention the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I still believe it is real, albeit you have to build a road map to find it. A strong Guerrilla Marketing team would be a BIGGG first step in finding that pot of gold."

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