Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Wednesday's therapy session...

In today's session we converse about my eighty seven year old best friend & her lovely daughter; Lacey & Kara's burgeoning polyamorous relationship with Legend is touched upon briefly as well:

"I spoke with my best friend today."

"How's she doing?"

"Her regular chipper self."

"When does Kendra come back to town?"

"Middle of the month is what mama said."

"Do you still have romantic feelings towards her?"

Lacey finds it intriguing the eighty seven year old mother of my crush doubles as my best friend.

"Yes, every time she comes to town I fall in love again."

"You are a hopeless romantic Mr. Astle."

"Hopeless is more like it."

"Tell me more about mama."

"She quit drinking. It's been a week already."

"Does she have a problem?"

"Goodness no, the extra calories of alcohol were adding unwanted weight is her biggest complaint."

"At eighty seven years old a few extra calories aren't that big of deal. She should enjoy her life to the fullest."

"She does Lacey."

"Has mama been driving around?"

Her driving is unpopular with her daughter. They're a few exceptions:

"There's a little circle Kendra permits. Basically, she can go to the store & health clubs. They're a few blocks away. Anything past is considered out of the circle & frowned upon by her daughter."

We discuss mandates & I reveal:

"Do you want to know what mama's secret is to quit drinking?"

"Sure," is her immediate reply.

"She's focusing on other things when survival hour strikes."

"Survival hour?"

"That's what they call it instead of happy hour."

"Oh, I see, go on with the story."

"When the clock strikes five she thinks about other tasks instead of drinking."

"Like what?"

"A couple of the days she went on a walk; another time she cleaned the kitchen; yesterday it was the patio. Keeping herself moving instead of sitting in a recliner drinking vodka is the key."

"Idle time is the devils play thing."

"It certainly is Lacey," adding, "There's one more thing I have to tell you."

"What's that?"

"I've been requesting everyone who reads the blog rate the writing for me 1-10. It's been mostly five' & sixes. Guess what she rated it."


"A perfect ten. It made my day."

I've been told not to ask; curiosity is getting the best of me:

"Tell me what's going on with Legend. Have you guys set a time & place to consummate the relationship?"

"Nunya, Mr. Astle," adding in a stern tone, "You've already been instructed not to inquire about it. Legend told us you'd be jealous."

Lacey, Kara & Legend are in the midst of a burgeoning polyamourous relationship I helped facilitate. Let's hear how it's progressing. She refuses to say.

"He's going to kiss & tell once the relationship is consummated."

"No he won't. He's a changed man from his younger years. The braggadocio stage in his life is over."

"I don't care what he tells you," reiterating evermore, "He won't be able to help himself. He's going to kiss & tell for sure."

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