Wednesday, October 13, 2021

the Renaissance man...

Roy is in danger of losing his Alpha card:

"The Chiefs got a lot of work to do if there's going to be a parade."

"Didn't watch them. I'm finding more constructive things to do with my time."

"Like What?"

"While they were getting slaughtered I was conversing with the muses on a Skype call."

"Did you have any action going this weekend?"

"Nope, the muses have convinced me gambling is a waste of money."

"You already know that genius," rolling my eyes & adding, "Everyone is getting sick & tired of you rambling on about them. They've cast a spell on you."

He'll bet multiple dimes over the usual weekend. The muses, as he so eloquently refers to them, have convinced him otherwise. Give me a break!

"The muses & I will be one in two short weeks."

I can't take anymore:

"Roy, Roy, Roy," repeating his name in disgust, "You're losing your coolness over these hussies."

"What do you mean?"

"It's the muses this & the muses that. It's not very Alpha like."

"I've been discussing things with the muses..."

"Here we go again."

"As I was trying to state before you rudely interrupted me. The muses have labeled me a Renaissance man. The Alpha part of my life is behind me."

"A Renaissance man," with a shake of my head, "The three of you are a bunch of cuckoo birds. You don't even know what one is."

"The muses are referring to me as such."

"What a fool these broads are turning you into."

"You're jealous," arrogance in his tone.

"I'm not jealous," emphasis in mine.

"Than what is it?"

"It's you Roy. I figured when this whole thing got rolling you'd fly the company jet out here & fuck each one of them a couple of times. Afterwards, you'd hop back on the jet & fly home with a smile on your face & a new chapter for your memoirs. All this additional bullshit is nothing more than Lacey & Kara's psychobabble getting to you."

"It's more than just the sex..."

"Oh please," interrupting the spell, "The only thing going through your mind is sweet pea salad in a box."

"Sexual gratification is a major part of any polyamorous relationship. It's not the only thing though. There's much more to it."

"Like what Mr. Poly?"

"Uh, uh, uh."

"Look," interrupting his mumbling, "I don't want to hear anymore about the muses; or you being a Renaissance man; or any other nonsense for that matter. All I want you to do is provide me the juicy details of what it's like to have a couple of young hotties ride up & down on you."


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