Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The village idiot of Las Vegas chats with Mad Max about Roxy.

Today's version of the phrase Mad Max is best used as a connotation to describe chaos, disorder and anarchy. Example: "One of these days the Federal Reserve will stop with the 'dollars from heaven' policy and raise the Fed Rate. They will have to in order to stop the spiraling debt. Once that happens inflation takes off and the value of the American dollar plummets - Mad Max comes rushing in big time then."

The following is an excerpt from a conversation I had recently with a friend. I have nicknamed him Mad Max. He is an anarchist in every sense of the word.

"It sounds like this Roxy gal has you turned every which way, brother. Beware of women like that. They have a way of causing more problems than they're worth." In his pre-anarchist days, Mad Max was considered the leading Lothario in the tri-county area. Women threw themselves at him like he was a backstop. It really was the stuff of legends. So when he hands out advise about the female specie.... You better believe that I am listening! "Mad Max, I get it. Roxy is way of my league, price range, class. Whatever you want to call it. She is past me by a mile. Most guys with half a brain would forget about her and move on. But I can't. The problem is - I love her!"

After my statement about loving Roxy, he tells me this - "Now listen boy, you have got to get your shit under control with this broad. It has disaster written all over it. Can't you find another gal out in Vegas who will give you some loving?" I understand what Mad Max is saying. Roxy isn't the only fish in the sea. Las Vegas has an abundance of pretty women, but for the most part they're all in same boat with Roxy and I wanted him to realize that. "Look, Mad Max - you're right about Roxy not being the only girl in Vegas, but all the women are the same out here. 'No money, no honey,' so to speak. I don't want to go through all the bullshit again. Roxy and I have a connection, and I refuse to let it go."

We go back and forth on a few other things and then he says this. "I hate to tell you this, but from what I am gathering, and I hate to sound like a broken record. But it sounds like the Roxy and Jethro story ends badly. If you are as broke as you claim and Roxy is used to the finer things in life. How's that going to work out in the end? We all know how it will end. I guess that you can always hope that you hit the lottery. That will probably keep her interested." As snide as his remarks were. I appreciated them nonetheless. He's right about not being able to afford a girl like Roxy. I know that, she knows that, the whole fucking world knows that. The problem is simple, yet rather complex. I love her and can't get her off my mind. If I could ever get my feelings for her to pass. Man, life would be so much easier.

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