Monday, February 24, 2014

The village idiot of Las Vegas finds out that Roxy is back with her old boyfriend.

"Look, Jethro, it's really over between the two of us. I am getting back together with Jeff." What's there to say? I'm not surprised by her decision. After all, money talks, bullshit walks. But why this guy? They're plenty of other guys with money, but no, she has to go back to the one guy who beats her and cheats on her. "Roxy, why in the hell would you want to get back together with this pecker head? I know your history with him and it's not very healthy. What are you thinking?" I tried staying calm with her, but it proved too much of a task. It's the same every time with her and this asshole, he cheats or beats her. She leaves him. He apologizes - which usually translates to him buying her something or giving her money - she forgives him and the cycle eventually repeats itself.

I love Roxy and she doesn't love me, I am OK with it. But the thought of her being with this guy is too much for me to bare. "Jesus Roxy, sometimes I think you have shit for brains. It's the same old story with you and this clown. You want to know something Roxy? The hell with you, and the hell with Jeff. You two deserve each other! To think I love you. God, what a fool am I!"

I should have hung up after that, but no, I had to give her a chance to explain herself. "Jethro, no one said that Jeff was perfect. We had problems in the past and always managed to overcome them. But you, my adorable hillbilly from Kansas. Let's face it. You are a complete loser. It's Chinatown this and Chinatown that with you. Shit, your own family won't lift a finger to help you execute this big Asian thing that you are always talking about. It is sad to watch you throw away so much time and energy on something that is never going to happen. Let's face it, you're a fucking failure! And in the end, I would much rather be around a guy like Jeff than a complete nobody like yourself."

For some reason or another she always has to go back to Chinatown with me. What does Chinatown have to do with her getting back with a guy who cheats on her and beats her? I finally had it with her and told her such. "Look, just because you're too stupid to realize what I am talking about. That doesn't give you the right to be a bitch. I guarantee you one thing Einstein. Someone, and it probably won't be me. But someone is going to make their way into Chinatown and aggregate all those restaurants to an E-commerce site. If they do a good job and are able to form a coalition with all the proprietor's in Chinatown. The list of possibilities becomes tremendous. Just because you're too ignorant to understand something like that. Well, it doesn't give you the right to be an asshole to fuck off!" I immediately hung up after my statement. I then started thinking about something my uncle Ned told me a long time ago - "Boy, you need to stay away from the stripper/party girl types. Don't get me wrong, they are a lot of fun to be with. But I can guarantee you one thing is a certainty. It will always end badly for schmucks like you and me." - Goddammit if that fat son of a bitch wasn't right again.

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